The Living Landscape of Reuse Solutions database is a global list of for profit and nonprofit programs, campaigns and products that work to eliminate plastic waste by providing reusable solutions. Reusable solutions rethink the product or packaging at the design stage in order to eliminate the use of single-use plastics. This database also includes nonprofits that advocate for the elimination of single-use plastics through campaigns, education and policy supporting reusable solutions.
The purpose of the Living Landscape project is to build an evergreen resource that details existing reusable solutions to plastic waste in this quickly evolving space. As a public resource, it can benefit a range of stakeholders focused on reusable solutions. Funders can reference it for context and intelligence as they determine where to direct resources. Academics and students can download data for research. Businesses and governments can use it to identify relevant solutions for their own needs. And the nonprofits and businesses active in the space can use it to identify partners and allies, and build connectivity between organizations working toward common objectives.
The Living Landscape Database is co-sponsored by the Overbrook Foundation and the Plastic Solutions Fund.