The Landscape in Charts
To ensure these charts are as up to date as possible, they are created directly from the live database. This can cause them to load somewhat slowly, and we appreciate your patience.
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Table of Contents
Solutions by For Profit or Non-Profit
Type of Solution by For Profit or Non-Profit
Number of Reuse Solutions by Country Globally
Number of Reuse Solutions by Country in Europe
Overview Charts
Reuse Advocacy includes an entry for reuse businesses that participate in advocacy in addition to the entries for their business activities
Note: Reuse businesses that participate in advocacy are only included in this chart based on their business activities.
Note: Excludes unknown values
Number of Reuse Solutions By Country Globally
Note: Reuse businesses that participate in advocacy are only included in this chart based on their business activities (i.e. there is no additional Solution counted for their advocacy work)
Number of Reuse Solutions By Country in Europe
Note: Reuse businesses that participate in advocacy are only included in this chart based on their business activities (i.e. there is no additional Solution counted for their advocacy work)
Number of Reuse Solutions By City in the United States and Canada

Note: Reuse businesses that participate in advocacy are only included in this chart based on their business activities (i.e. there is no additional Solution counted for their advocacy work)
Note: Reuse advocacy by reuse businesses is included as an additional Solution in this chart.
Note: Break Free From Plastics indicated that their HQ was "Global"
Note: Reuse advocacy by reuse businesses is included as an additional Solution in this chart.
Solution Sub-Categories
Click below to see details in the database:
*Excludes Reuse Advocacy
Reusable Program Characteristics
Chart only includes responses received.