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Living Landscape Database

The Living Landscape of Reuse Solutions database is a regularly updated global list of for profit and nonprofit programs, campaigns and products that work to eliminate plastic waste by providing reusable solutions.


This database is updated regularly as new information becomes available. It was last updated on August 7, 2024.

You can browse the database on the Reuse Landscape website here or by clicking on the database image below.  For full database functionality including the capability to sort and filter it please view it on Google Sheets here

If you are a researcher and would like a copy of the database, or if you would like to suggest edit to an entry in the database or additional programs to include please email

Resources associated with the database:

Database 1.png

Below is a list of instructions on sorting and filtering the database in Google Sheets.


Sorting the Database


To sort the database, first highlight the entire sheet by clicking on the box in the upper left-hand corner of the database. 

Sort 4.png

Then click on the “Data” tab and scroll down to “Sort range”. 

Sort 5.png

Click on “Sort range.” A pop-up box will appear. 

Sort 6.png

Click on “Sort by” to choose which column you would like to sort the database alphabetically by. 

Sort 7.png

Filtering the Database


To Filter the database by "Type of Solution" click on the “Data” tab at the top of the screen. The options for solution types are: for profit reuse advocacy, household good refill programs, non-profit reuse advocacy, reusable bag programs, reusable food & beverage packaging, reusable shipping & logistics, and water refill programs. An explanation of each type of solution can be found on our Methodology page.  

Filter 8 .png

Scroll down to filter views and click on which filter you would like for the solution type you are interested in. 

Filter 9.png

The database will now only display this solution type. To return to the full database view, click on the data tab again and under filters chose “None”. 

If you have any questions about how to use the database, please feel free to reach out to us at

© 2023 The Overbrook Foundation and Plastic Solutions Fund

The Living Landscape of Reusable Solutions is powered by Perpetual

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