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Reuse Resources

Publications on Reuse

Benchmark of Solutions: 7 major routes for less plasticized, more durable and reusable offerings (French)

No Plastic in My Seas

Beyond the Plastic Bag: Sparking a Seachange for Reuse

Closed Loop Partners

Bringing Reusable Packaging Systems to Life 

Closed Loop Partners

Convention on Plastic Pollution - Plastic Treaty essential elements: Reuse
Environmental Investigation Agency and Deutsche Umwelthilfe

​Circular Economy as a Climate Strategy: Current knowledge and calls-to-action
Platform to Accelerate the Circular Economy (PACE)

City Playbook: Building a reuse city 

Consumers Beyond Waste, World Economic Forum

Consumers Beyond Waste: Briefing paper

World Economic Forum

CPG: How the refill revolution will shape the future of the Consumer Packaged Goods sector

Eat Without Waste: Hong Kong’s takeout packaging challenge
ADM Capital Foundation 

Extended Producer Responsibility: A necessary part of the solution to packaging waste and pollution
Ellen MacArthur Foundation 

Food service businesses in Toronto are willing to change their practices around single-use and reusable foodware

The University of Toronto Trash Team and the Toronto Environmental Alliance

The future is returnable. Taking a circular approach to hot drinks

City to Sea


Future of Reusable Consumption Models
World Economic Forum 

Global landscape analysis of reuse and refill solutions
Perpetual and the University of Georgia’s Circularity Informatics Laboratory

Good Coffee, Bad Cup: How to curb ocean plastic pollution by switching to refill and reuse solutions

Guidance for Reusable Packaging: Understanding goals and assumptions in order to design a more successful reusable packaging program

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

How Reuse Systems and Services Will Revolutionize How We Consume

Job Creation in the Re-use Sector: Data insights from social enterprises

Just One Word: Refillables

A Just Transition to Reusable Packaging: Necessary Conditions, Benefits, and Best Practice


Many Happy Returns: Combining insights from the environmental and behavioural sciences to understand what is required to make reusable packaging mainstream
Sustainable Production and Consumption

Marrying Safety with Sustainability in Food Packaging: Briefing for Businesses

Zero Waste Europe

Moving Away From Single-Use: Guide for National Decision Makers to Implement the Single-Use Plastics Directive

Rethink Plastic

Parametric Life Cycle Assessment Modeling of Reusable and Single-use Restaurant Food Container Systems
University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems

Plastic Waste Makers Index 
Minderoo Foundation 


The Price of Plastic Solutions
Minderoo Foundation

Putting Second-hand First to Create Local Jobs: Guidance for municipalities to develop local re-use strategies
Zero Waste Europe and RREUSE

Realising Reuse: The potential for scaling up reusable packaging, and policy recommendations
Rethink Plastic Alliance 

Reducing Packaging Waste: Choose prevention and reuse
Zero Waste Europe and Reloop

Reusable Solutions: How governments can help stop single-use plastic pollution

Rethink Plastic Alliance

Reusable Packaging Protects Public Health & the Environment
The Unwrapped Project

Reusable vs. Single-Use Packaging: A review of environmental impacts
Zero Waste Europe and Reloop

Reusables are Doable

Greenpeace USA

Reuse: Rethinking packaging

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Reuse Wins: The environmental, economic, and business case for transitioning from single-use to reuse in food service


The Role of Legislation and Standards in Mainstreaming Reusable Packaging


The State of Zero Waste Municipalities
Zero Waste Europe

Take-Out Catering and Waste Reduction Survey (French)

No Plastic in My Seas

Single-use beverage cups and their alternatives: Recommendations from Life Cycle Assessments

United Nations Environment Programme 

Solutions on Tap: A guide to introducing a reusable cup scheme at events

City to Sea

Sustainability of reusable packaging: Current situation and trends

Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X


Unpacked: how supermarkets can cut plastic packaging in half by 2025

Greenpeace UK

Upstream Innovation: A guide to packaging solutions 

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

What is Reuse?: Your guide to the reuse revolution

Zero Waste and Economic Recovery 
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives 

Explainer Videos

Good Bottle Refill.png
I Tried Zero Waste Take-Out (DeliverZero
Are Reusable Containers The Future One S
I Tried Blueland's Low-Waste Cleaning Pr
Video screenshot.png

Lists and Directories of Reuse Organizations

bepakt Archive List of Zero Waste Shops (Global)

Circular Economy Directory

Ellen MacArthur Foundation Upstream Innovation Case Study Database (Global)

Gitte-mary List of Zero Waste Shops (Global)

Litterless Zero Waste Grocery Guide (United States)

Reusable Packaging Association

UPSTREAM Reuse Business Directory (Global)

Food Packaging Decision Making Tool

The Understand Packaging (UP) Scorecard

Food Packaging Forum Foundation

Report and Customizable Excel Model on Quantity and Mass of Disposable Foodware in the US

The Dirty Truth About Disposable Foodware

Other Resources

How Coding Can Help To Clean Up Our Oceans

Best Coding Bootcamps

Resources missing from this page? Let us know what else we should add:

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The Living Landscape of Reusable Solutions is powered by Perpetual

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